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News and Blogs
Saliva as a Diagnostic Specimen Unravels HPV and STI Connections
Saliva as a Diagnostic Specimen Unravels HPV and STI Connections
Saliva as a Diagnostic Specimen Unravels HPV and STI Connections The oral cavity is a crucial part of the human body, intricately linked to overall well-being. By collecting saliva samples, we can gain insights into an individual's oral health status and promptly identify and prevent potential disease risks. Investigating Oral Human Papillomavirus Infecti...
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A Comprehensive Evaluation of Saliva Collection, Transportation, Handling, and Storage Techniques
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Saliva Collection, Transportation, Handling, and Storage Techniques
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Saliva Collection, Transportation, Handling, and Storage Techniques Human saliva, a unique bodily fluid, has garnered significant interest from researchers due to its distinctive advantages. Compared to traditional blood sampling, saliva collection is non-invasive, convenient, and cost-effective, with subjects more willing to cooperate. Sali...
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Avian Influenza Monitoring: Swab Pool Size and Viral Transport Media Matter
Avian Influenza Monitoring: Swab Pool Size and Viral Transport Media Matter
Avian Influenza Monitoring: Swab Pool Size and Viral Transport Media Matter The traditional method for avian influenza virus surveillance involves pooling 5 ostrich tracheal swabs in a 50% v/v phosphate-buffered saline (PBS): glycerol transport medium without antibiotics, followed by RT-qPCR testing. However, this approach has limitations, including poor virus isolation ...
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A Comprehensive Evaluation of Swab Performances: Spotlighting Flocked Swabs
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Swab Performances: Spotlighting Flocked Swabs
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Swab Performances: Spotlighting Flocked Swabs What are Flocked Swabs? Flocked swabs are a novel type of sampling swab with a nap-like structure comprising numerous vertically-aligned microfibers on the sampling head. Unlike traditional swabs made of wound fibers, flocked swabs boast a larger surface area, potentially enhancing sample ...
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HPV Self-Sampling: A Frontier for Boosting Cervical Cancer Screening Rates
HPV Self-Sampling: A Frontier for Boosting Cervical Cancer Screening Rates
HPV Self-Sampling: A Frontier for Boosting Cervical Cancer Screening Rates Are you aware that HPV self-sampling can significantly increase cervical cancer screening uptake? A recent randomized controlled trial conducted in North Carolina has yielded remarkable results. The study, known as the My Body, My Test-3 (MBMT-3) trial, took place from April 2016 to December 2019 ...
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Blastocystis and Dengue: The Hidden Connection Worsening Your Symptoms
Blastocystis and Dengue: The Hidden Connection Worsening Your Symptoms
Blastocystis and Dengue: The Hidden Connection Worsening Your Symptoms Dengue fever, a mosquito-borne viral disease, has become a global health threat, with major clinical manifestations including high fever and gastrointestinal symptoms. Interestingly, these symptoms are also commonly observed in individuals infected with Blastocystis sp., a parasite frequently found in...
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Exploring New Frontiers: Rectal Swabs as an Alternative to Fecal Sampling
Exploring New Frontiers: Rectal Swabs as an Alternative to Fecal Sampling
Exploring New Frontiers: Rectal Swabs as an Alternative to Fecal Sampling Fecal sampling has been the conventional method for analyzing the gut microbiota, but it comes with several drawbacks. Patients are often reluctant to handle and transport their own stool samples, leading to low compliance rates. Moreover, collecting fecal samples "on demand" in a clinical setting ...
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Maintaining Biological Integrity: The Crucial Role of Transport Media
Maintaining Biological Integrity: The Crucial Role of Transport Media
Maintaining Biological Integrity: The Crucial Role of Transport Media Efficient transport media are vital for preserving the integrity of biological samples during collection, storage, and transportation. The ability of transport media to maintain sample viability and prevent molecular degradation directly impacts subsequent analyses and detection efforts. A study conduc...
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How to Maintain Legionella Pneumophila Viability During Sampling and Detection?
How to Maintain Legionella Pneumophila Viability During Sampling and Detection?
How to Maintain Legionella Pneumophila Viability During Sampling and Detection? Legionella pneumophila is an aquatic bacterium found in natural and man-made water systems, capable of causing severe pneumonia. For water and biofilm sampling, maintaining bacterial viability and nucleic acid stability during collection and transport is crucial. Italian health authorities re...
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Microbiological Testing and Salmonella Control: New Insights
Microbiological Testing and Salmonella Control: New Insights
Microbiological Testing and Salmonella Control: New Insights Public health authorities around the world are concerned with monitoring and limiting Salmonella infections, which can lead to significant health complications and even fatalities. A key challenge is the emergence of drug-resistant strains, highlighting the need for innovative approaches. Recently, researchers ...
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How Does Environmental Exposure Shape The Infant Gut Microbiome?
How Does Environmental Exposure Shape The Infant Gut Microbiome?
How Does Environmental Exposure Shape The Infant Gut Microbiome? The infant gut microbiome undergoes rapid changes in early life as microbes colonize from maternal, family, environmental, and dietary sources. Reduced social contact during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions provided a unique opportunity to examine the relative contribution of environmental sampling on gut bac...
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Poor Bacteriological Quality Revealed Through Rigorous Environmental Sampling
Poor Bacteriological Quality Revealed Through Rigorous Environmental Sampling
Poor Bacteriological Quality Revealed Through Rigorous Environmental Sampling A comprehensive 2011 study conducted by researchers at the University of Nigeria examined the bacteriological quality of foods and water sold by vendors and restaurants in Nsukka, Nigeria. The investigation utilized rigorous environmental sampling techniques, collecting and testing samples from...
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