How Does Environmental Exposure Shape The Infant Gut Microbiome?

an adorable baby covered in a towel after bath time

The infant gut microbiome undergoes rapid changes in early life as microbes colonize from maternal, family, environmental, and dietary sources. Reduced social contact during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions provided a unique opportunity to examine the relative contribution of environmental sampling on gut bacteria development. A 2021 Irish study sequenced infant fecal samples at 6 and 12 months and compared to pre-pandemic cohorts. Despite social isolation, most dominant phyla followed expected developmental patterns, indicating key maternal and early family transmission. However, environmentally transmitted spore-forming Clostridia were reduced, while beneficial Bifidobacteria that do not require environmental sampling were increased. An environmental exposure index correlated positively with Clostridia genera abundance. While environmental sampling diversifies the microbiome, restricting exposures did not increase allergies. Maternal seeding and diet may be more critical than environmental microbes for allergy protection.

What influences the infant gut microbiome composition?

The infant gut microbiome is shaped by multiple factors. Delivery mode impacts initial colonization, with cesarean-section reducing Bifidobacteria and Bacteroides while increasing potentially pathogenic bacteria. Breastfeeding strongly promotes Bifidobacteria, which specialize in consuming milk oligosaccharides. Age is a key driver, as solid foods diversify microbiota and select for plant-degrading Clostridia. Environmental sampling via siblings, pets, daycare, and rural living also increases Clostridia acquisition. Diet further modifies microbiota, with plant-based foods increasing symbionts like Bifidobacteria while reducing Clostridia. Although environmental exposures contribute to maturation, maternal vertical transmission and ongoing breastmilk inputs are the primary early gut ecosystem drivers.

Were pandemic social restrictions detrimental to infant gut health?

Despite limited social contacts, most microbial phyla developed normally in pandemic infants, following global developmental patterns. However, typically abundant spore-forming Clostridia were reduced, likely due to less environmental sampling. Clostridia support immunoregulation but require horizontal acquisition from humans, pets, or environments. In contrast, maternally-acquired Bifidobacteria were increased in pandemic infants, facilitated by high breastfeeding rates and low antibiotic use. Although delayed environmental transmission alters community structure, restricted exposure did not increase allergy risk compared to pre-pandemic levels. Maintaining maternal Bifidobacteria may be more critical than acquiring environmental Clostridia in early infancy to support microbiome-immune system co-development.

What dietary and microbial factors associated with allergy risk?

Higher levels of Bifidobacteria at 6 months were strongly protective against all allergic outcomes measured up to 2 years of age. Breastfeeding promoted this beneficial genus while reducing allergy-linked bacteria. At 12 months, butyrate-producing Clostridia negatively associated with allergy. Early introduction of allergenic foods like peanut supported these Clostridia, likely providing key substrates. In contrast, non-breastmilk animal foods reduced symbionts. A conceptual model emerged linking medical interventions, restricted environment, diet, select microbes, and allergy. Although social isolation did not increase allergy, supporting vertical transmission and microbiota-accessible carbohydrates in diet appear protective.

How important are environmental microbes to the developing immune system?

The infant gut microbiome co-develops with the immune system, supporting appropriate training. Environmental sampling contributes diverse microbes that likely provide broader immune education. However, modern urban exposures may exceed levels humans evolved with, while medical interventions further disrupt assembly of maternal microbes. Although the microbiome inevitably matures when solid foods are introduced, preserving vertically transmitted bacteria like Bifidobacteria throughout infancy appears beneficial. Allowing time for breastmilk and early symbionts to establish immunoregulatory pathways may help offset risks of excessive environmental exposures. While environmental sampling diversifies the microbiome, some maternal microbes may be irreplaceable.


While environmental exposures contribute to gut microbiome assembly, they did not increase allergy risk when reduced during social isolation. Maternal seeding, breastfeeding, diet quality, and avoiding unneeded antibiotics may better support microbiome-immune system dialogue in infancy than abundant environmental exposures. Further study is needed on long-term effects of altering acquisition patterns of environmental versus maternal microbes.

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Association between gut microbiota development and allergy in infants born during pandemic-related social distancing restrictions