How to Obtain a Nasopharyngeal Swab Specimen

Female doctor making nasal coronavirus PCR test for millennial guy at clinic.

Here is a general procedure for collecting a nasopharyngeal swab specimen, but please note that it's always important to follow specific guidelines provided by health authorities or the test kit manufacturer. Also, the procedure should ideally be performed by a healthcare professional to ensure it is done correctly and safely.

  1. 1. Prepare the patient: Explain the procedure to the patient to ensure they understand and consent. The patient should be seated with their head tilted slightly backwards.
  2. 2. Prepare the swab: Open the swab package and gently remove the swab, being careful not to touch the soft tip.
  3. 3. Insert the swab: With the patient's head tilted back, gently insert the swab into one nostril, straight back (not upwards), aiming for the back of the head. This is different than how a swab would be inserted for a regular nasal swab test.
  4. 4. Rotate the swab: Once the swab is inserted far enough (until resistance is met at the nasopharynx), rotate it a few times against the nasopharyngeal wall.
  5. 5. Remove the swab: Gently remove the swab while rotating it.
  6. 6. Preserve the sample: Place the swab immediately into the sterile viral transport media tube. Make sure the swab is fully submerged in the medium and the tube is securely sealed.
  7. 7. Label the sample: Label the tube with the patient's details and the date of collection.
  8. 8. Safe disposal and hygiene: Dispose of any waste safely. Wash your hands thoroughly after the procedure.
  9. 9. Send the sample: Arrange for the sample to be sent to the lab as soon as possible for testing.

Again, this is a general guide and the exact procedure may vary. Different tests may have slightly different instructions, so always follow the specific instructions that come with the test you're using. If you're a patient, this test should be performed by a healthcare provider. If you're a healthcare provider, you should have received training on this procedure.

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