How Can Swab Sampling Help Identify The Potential Pathogen?

A health worker takes a sample of biological material in cattle

Trueperella pecoris is a recently discovered bacterial species that may cause disease in livestock. This article summarizes key points on using swab samples and a LAMP diagnostic assay to evaluate T. pecoris as a potential pathogen.

How were swab samples collected and processed in this study?

In this study, swab samples were collected from porcine lung tissue to evaluate the application suitability of the Trueperella pecoris (TP) LAMP assay. Both the lung surface and deeper tissue layers were dabbed with sterile cotton swabs. The swabs were then transferred to tubes filled with diluent, rotated repeatedly, and squeezed out. After centrifugation, the supernatants were discarded and the remaining pellets were used for DNA extraction. Three different extraction methods were tested, including kit extraction, single buffer extraction, and single buffer extraction with heating.

What made T. pecoris a potential pathogen worth developing a diagnostic assay?

Trueperella pecoris was first described as a new Trueperella species in 2021. It was isolated from dairy cattle with mastitis and abortion, and from a dead pig with pneumonia, suggesting it may be pathogenic in various animal species. However, its distribution and disease-causing abilities were unclear due to a lack of detection methods. Developing a diagnostic assay like the TP LAMP assay enables collecting epidemiological data to determine the significance of T. pecoris as a potential pathogen.

How did the TP LAMP assay perform in detecting T. pecoris from swab samples?

The TP LAMP assay detected T. pecoris with high specificity and sensitivity from the artificially contaminated lung swabs, despite the presence of tissue particles and background flora. It achieved detection limits between 6.54x103 and 8.37x103 CFU per swab using the single buffer extraction methods, while real-time PCR had frequent false positives under matrix influence. Additionally, the simplicity of the swab processing and DNA extraction made the TP LAMP assay suitable for on-site use.

In summary, the TP LAMP assay's performance with swab samples showed it was a robust tool to identify T. pecoris from heterogeneous clinical specimens and determine its epidemiology as a potential pathogen.

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Kreitlow, A., Ningrum, S.G., Lämmler, C. et al. Identification of the novel potential pathogen Trueperella pecoris with interspecies significance by LAMP diagnostics. Sci Rep 13, 14005 (2023).